37th Annual Research Trip to Salt Lake City

SAVE THE DATE: March 16-23, 2025

Every year, Orange County California Genealogical Society ("OCCGS") sponsors a week-long Research Trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. This trip provides an exceptional opportunity to use the extensive resources of the largest depository of genealogical reference material in the world for your personal genealogy research.

You must be an OCCGS member to participate in the trip. Before we leave on our trip, we provide orientation meetings to help you prepare for a successful experience, including how to use what's available at the library, and how to get ready for the trip with a research plan for your work when you arrive in Salt Lake City. Whether you are visiting the Family History Library for the first time or are a seasoned researcher, join us for this exciting opportunity!


Please contact our Special Events Coordinator.

General Meetings

Visitors are welcome at our General Membership Meetings! Join us and learn more about OCCGS!

Contact OCCGS:

Orange County California Genealogical Society
c/o Huntington Beach Central Library
7111 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach, California 92648

General Information: info@occgs.com

Find more email addresses at our Board Members page.