William E. "Bill" Cole, M.A.
The Passionate Genealogist

William E. "Bill" Cole is an internationally-known and respected family historian, genealogical researcher, author, and presenter. Bill's third and newest book, Puritans, Plagues, and Promises: Cole, Clarke, and Collier in England to America is the culmination of his eight-year English origins research project. It reveals more than twenty historic genealogical breakthroughs.

Bill has inspired many genealogists and historians by providing guidance and a roadmap for their own research. He has discovered ancestors born at sea, a shipwrecked rogue who survived Jamestown, two Mayflower ancestors, multiple Revolutionary War patriots on both sides, and other fascinating characters-including one involved in a California stagecoach robbery.

Whether from the page or on stage, Bill Cole's presentations and publications make him an indemand presenter for conferences and societies. Acclaimed as a master storyteller and known as "The Passionate Genealogist," his virtual, in-person, and hybrid presentations are informational, impactful, and inspirational for all levels of genealogists and family historians. For more information:

email address: billcole@absinc.org
Mobile phone: 916-524-8136
Mailing address: 1872 Coarse Gold Place, Gold River, CA 95670

October 5, 2024
Hybrid Meeting and Webinar
with Bill Cole, M.A.
The Passionate Genealogist

Please register whether you plan to attend in person at the library
or virtually via Zoom:


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You can disregard this message if you are attending in-person.

10:10 AM - Breathe Life Into Your Genealogy with the Power of Story

As family historians and genealogists, it's our responsibility to be the information-gatherers and caretakers to pass along to the next generations. However, that responsibility presents us with a dilemma in the here and now. When sharing your genealogy findings, have you observed glazedover eyes in your audience? Unfortunately, that happens more than we care to admit.

Let's face facts. We seek out information in all types of repositories including libraries, archives, societies, conferences, online resources, and family trees. We invest countless hours sifting through books, files, records, and even closets. Our efforts are rewarded with fascinating facts and figures (at least to us) about our people.

But at some point, that's not the point. While facts and figures are vital to genealogists and their audiences, we need to go beyond them. Why? Our ancestors led lives filled with twists and turns, dilemmas and decisions, and testing and triumph. Their lives offer insights that help us and others better travel on our own paths and navigate through challenges and obstacles we all inevitably encounter. Their stories shaped how you and I became who we are today. The real value of what we should do is transmit the stories of our ancestors' lives. Their stories give us and others insight and inspiration from other people's lives. Plus, everybody loves a good story!

That is precisely why storytelling is such an important genealogical skill. This presentation helps you uncover, craft, and deliver powerful stories that impact and delight others as you breathe life into your genealogy. In the first session, you will learn:
   1. Why you should add stories to your genealogy.
   2. Five basic elements of a good story.
   3. How to use the basic elements as a checklist.
   4. Four easy ways to find stories.

By the end of this impactful session, you will be inspired to apply these ideas and integrate stories into your genealogical repertoire.


11:15 AM - Discover Genealogical Gems in the California State Archives and Its Libraries

Do you know what was California's first state law? The creation of the California State Archives! How's that for forward-thinking early political leaders? The California State Library started a few months later. With these rich resources, genealogical gems await you to be discovered!

Imagine what awaits you in the California State Archives and the State Libraries. Cole guides participants through a complete overview and sampling of some of the 300 million items and 20,000 online collections guides contained in the archives. All public records related to California's political, civil, military, and administrative history are contained here. Using his hands-on experience researching in these repositories, Cole shares what is available in these treasure troves and how to access its records.

Besides books, paper, rolls, documents, and other miscellaneous items, you will discover maps, judicial appointments, school and business records, court records, governor records, and prison records. In addition, thousands of photographic images and more items are readily available.

In the California State Library, newspaper articles, history books, and historic photographs supplement records in the archives to reveal a relative's involvement in a stagecoach robbery during the Civil War-which led to the publication of Bill's second book, Bullion Bend. Cole uses his discoveries to illustrate examples of what surprising finds await you. Fascinating stuff! In this session, you will:
   1. Learn what resources are readily available to you in these repositories.
   2. Discover the vast variety of types of records that may be accessed.
   3. Know how to access the information in-person or online.
   4. See actual records and examples of what you might find.

By the end of this session, you will be well-prepared and inspired to begin or continue researching with a clear focus to better utilize these treasure troves and find out more about your people.


Speaker Handouts, when available, can be found in OCCGS Members Only on the Speaker Handouts page.


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Contact OCCGS:

Orange County California Genealogical Society
c/o Huntington Beach Central Library
7111 Talbert Avenue
Huntington Beach, California 92648

General Information: info@occgs.com

Find more email addresses at our Board Members page.